Hello! I have the basic Git integration set up currently with Vercel, where the main branch automatically deploys to production, and each branch gets it own preview. This is great, but I’d like to add an additional staging environment which replicates the prod environment closer (more than preview does) but with a couple tweaks (using a staging DB). Is there a way for me to select a different environment to run PR builds in? Even if it runs both the staging and the preview build for each PR that’s fine; it seems like this should be doable but I’m just not seeing it.
I also saw a bit about the Checks API, but it seems this all requires setting up an integration. Vercel is already fetching the home page to render a preview image, it seems like it should be straightforward to have an opt-in feature to also use that home page fetch to show a status check error (if in a PR) and block the deployment from being promoted to production (if it’s a production build) if the home page returns a server error/the serverless function crashes.
i feel like this might be a sign from the universe to just put together a custom CI/CD pipeline at this point, which I’ve been putting off, and was hoping I could push off further…
Any help/thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thanks!