Unable to merge branch due to different github and vercel account emails

I was unable to merge branch to master branch since my github account is with email address deadly.warrior@live.com and my vercel account in team where work has to be done has email mustafa_farooq_usman@hotmail.com, however now i have added deadly.warrior@live.com along with mustafa_farooq_usman@hotmail.com as my vercel emails of my vercel account and set deadly.warrior@live.com as primary email, can i merge branch on vercel myself now in that team or not?

Hi @mustafafarooqusman!

It sounds like you need the correct permissions on the GitHub repository. Here is some relevant documentation from GitHub that may be helpful: Repository roles for an organization - GitHub Docs

I’ll also shared Vercel’s access roles documentation in case it’s helpful, but it looks like your issue with being unable to merge is a git one rather than Vercel.

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