I’m having trouble adding the domain “*.cloud-ip.biz” to my Vercel project. Although I’ve confirmed that this domain is not being used by anyone else, the system still indicates that it is occupied by another account. I tried adding A records and name servers, but the issue persists. This domain is provided by CloudNS as a secondary domain service, so I can only manage the DNS records for secondary domains, like “_vercel.*.cloud-ip.biz”, and cannot directly change the records for the top-level domain.
To illustrate this issue, domains like “*.eu.org” are considered top-level domains and can be verified without problems. This example highlights the difference between top-level and secondary domains and explains why I’m encountering issues with “*.cloud-ip.biz”.
I’ve also looked into other posts regarding issues with adding secondary domains, but I couldn’t find any that are similar to my situation. Additionally, the solutions provided in those posts did not resolve my problem.
Current Behavior vs Expected Behavior
Current Behavior: Unable to add the domain, with a message stating it is occupied by another account.
Expected Behavior: To successfully add the domain and configure the DNS.
Steps to Reproduce
Attempt to add “*.cloud-ip.biz” to the Vercel project.
Receive a message indicating that the domain is occupied.
Try adding A records and name servers, but the issue persists.
I attempted to add DNS records under the subdomain _vercel, but it was unsuccessful. Could you allow me to create DNS records under this subdomain for domain verification purposes? For instance, _vercel.example.cloud-ip.biz. Of course, this is for verifying a subdomain rather than a top-level domain.
The *.cloud-ip.biz domain is treated as a subdomain because cloud-ip.biz is not included on the public suffix list. The TXT record would need to be at _vercel.cloud-ip.biz for verification to work in this case. To be used as a suffix instead of a domain, cloud-ip.biz would need to be submitted to the Public Suffix List.
Due to my verbal mistake, I would like to clarify that this pull request was submitted three days ago and has not yet been merged. However, one of the main maintainers (wdhdev) and other participants in the discussion (groundcat, simon-friedberger) have indicated that they believe the rationale for this PR is sufficient and suitable for merging into the Public Suffix List (PSL). It seems that this request is about to pass review