This site can’t be reached Check if there is a typo in

i get the error This site can’t be reached

Check if there is a typo in

  • If spelling is correct, [try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).


It appears to be working now. Are you still having trouble with it?

I’ve just purchased a domain from and changed it’s nameservers to vercel’s nameserver. Still getting the error This site can’t be reached

Check if there is a typo in

  • If spelling is correct, [try running Windows Network Diagnostics](javascript:diagnoseErrors()).

DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. i reached out to the domain seller and the response they gave me was," From our end the domain is well registered without an issue, yes nameservers are well pointed, your hosting company should be the one to check on your site through your cpanel to see what the issue is. Then they will be able to assist you on this kindly reach out to vercel support team they wiill be the one to assist you on this kindly". urgent help needed.

I combined both of your posts here since they seem to be about the same problem.

I was able to visit your site without getting a DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN error. If you’re still having trouble with it, we have a guide with tips to help you debug or collect more information about the cause.

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