I’m trying to use a Blob, but when I fetch on my API, I get the error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
??? My fetch function is (TSX file):
const handleUpload = async () => {
const file = inputFileRef.current.files[0];
const response = await fetch(`/api/upload?filename=${file.name}`,
method: 'POST',
body: file,
const newBlob = (await response.json()) as PutBlobResult;
And the API is (js file):
import { put } from '@vercel/blob';
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
export async function POST(req) {
const { searchParams } = new URL(req.url);
const filename = searchParams.get('filename');
// Here's the code for Pages API Routes:
const blob = await put(filename, req, {
access: 'public',
token: process.env.BLOB_READ_WRITE_TOKEN
return NextResponse.json(blob);
// The next lines are required for Pages API Routes only
export const config = {
api: {
bodyParser: false,
So the error is on export async function POST(req)
I don’t know how to solve it ???