I’m trying to use Neon and Auth0 in a V0 project. Neon is fine, but when integrating Auth0 to my Vercel account, the Auth0 secret is hidden for me. Since my Auth0 account is managed by Vercel I can’t login to it and generate a new secret. So I have no way of getting the secret into v0 which is my dev environment. Or am I approaching this in the wrong way?
ok. so auth0 environment variables are syncing to my v0 project now - but Neon, and Auth0 both use packages that seem to not be supported by v0 @prisma/client and pg package.
Also adding auth0 through vercel doesn’t give me control on my redirect urls etc. which I think would be necessary to make it work in v0
I’m going to default back to firebase and just assume having some integration between vercels marketplace db and auth products and v0 like they have with vercel is somewhere on the priority list.