Support for bun.lock

According to this PR, support for the new text-based lockfile in bun should have been added.

I have deployed a fresh create-next-app project using the text-based lockfile (bun.lock) and the file was not automatically detected, hence npm was used for the build.
The issue can be solved via a custom installCommand, however it should not be needed, as automatic detection should be present as per the aforementioned PR

btw Happy new Year everyone!

Hey, Jake! Welcome to the Vercel Community and happy new year! :smile:

I’ve shared this with the team - thank you for your post :pray:

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Thank you for your response Pauline!

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I have check the commits on github and couldn’t see anything related.
Despite this fact, the issue seems to have vanished and installing packages using bun with the text-based lockfile seems to work fine now.

Thanks for the help!

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