"Skip Deployments when there are no changes to the root directory or its dependencies." setting not working

I have a monorepo that contains a next app (project root directory next) that I have deployed to Vercel. Currently, I have the “Skip Deployments when there are no changes to the root directory or its dependencies.” enabled. However, when commits to other repos within the monorepo are made, vercel attempts to deploy. After reading the documentation, I’m assuming this has something to do with my monorepo, namely that its not using an npm, pnpm, or yarn workspace. I’ve even tried adding an empty npm file to the monorepo root directory but it still is not skipping deployments.

Alternatively, I’ve tried adding all other repos to a .vercelignore file in the monorepo root directory. I’m not sure if this is part of it’s intended function, but regardless this doesn’t fix my issue either.

Based on the above context, I have a few questions that I was hoping to get answered:

  • Is my assessment of why the “skip deployments” setting is not working out of the box correct?

  • Will changes to files included in .vercelignore still trigger deployments? This is the behavior I’m observing

  • Is there any other way to skip deployments that I may be missing?

Thank you for the help in advance!

Deployment URL or Custom Domain: N/A
Environment (local, preview, production): All
Project Framework: Next.js
Node/Runtime Version: 20.x
Package Manager: npm

If the project has the monorepo root path instead of a sub-directory path as the root directory, that may be why all commits to the monorepo cause the project to deploy. A custom Ignored Build Step script would work better for your project if that’s the case. I hope that helps!

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