Sin1' Region Missing When Creating New Vercel Postgres Database

I’m unable to find the ‘sin1’ region option when trying to create a new Vercel Postgres database. This region was previously available to me, as I had a database there before deleting it. Now, ‘sin1’ is not appearing in my list of available regions when attempting to create a new database. I need assistance in understanding why this region is no longer available and how I can create a new Postgres database in the ‘sin1’ region


I just checked and it seems I can see it in dropdown:

Can you record a screencast and share with us of what you are seeing?


It looks like the sin1 is not on the list any more. I delete the perious one a couple days ago.

Thanks for screenshot. Let us check this and get back to you shortly.

Thanks. Have a nice day!

We have further escalated to Neon team and they have added internal ticket to add sin1 region for Postgres database. Unfortunately, I don’t have any concrete ETA on this. You can contact Neon Support to find specific timeline for this.

Cheers, how can I contact the neon team? would you give me a way to get them?

You can find it here: Support - Neon Docs

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sin1 should be available now!

Yes, it is!
looks like I am a fresher here. :nauseated_face:
I find out that it wasn’t deleted in Neon even though I deleted it in the storage of the vercel deshbroad.

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