I’m and backend developer helping out my team with some serverless functions. I’d like to use the vercel CLI to replicate the vercel infra to develop and test my serverless functions.
My frontend team runs:
next dev --turbo which as I understand it uses turbopack to build the FE.
But the vercel CLI does not accept this argument:
$ vercel dev --turbo
Vercel CLI 39.3.0
Error: unknown or unexpected option: --turbo
I may make some small FE tweaks as part of my work so I’d like to be in the same dev env as the FE team - is there anyway to propagate additional args from vercel to next or otherwise run in turbo mode with the vercel CLI?
vercel dev doesn’t support the --turbo flag, as it’s specific to Next.js, not Vercel’s deployment environment
There’s no direct way to propagate args from vercel to next
Options to consider:
a. Use vercel dev for serverless functions, next dev --turbo for frontend work.
b. Run both concurrently with a custom script (example provided in previous response).
Check your project’s Development Command configuration, as it affects vercel dev behavior .
These approaches let you work on serverless functions while staying close to the frontend team’s environment.
Run both concurrently with a custom script (example provided in previous response).
Thanks Pauline! I did a quick search and didn’t find a previous response or forum post with instructions for running them concurrently - could you point me to it?