PromptDuel - AI Model/Prompt Comparison Tool

I’ve spent a lot of time comparing prompts and models to get better results for my projects/classes. To simplify the process, I built an API that allows me to access all the models I need in one place.

It’s been incredibly useful for me, and I realized it could also help others who want to experiment with different model/prompt combinations.

So, I created a front end and hosted it for easy access. The site itself is free to use but you will need to pay for tokens associated with your AI model API keys.

Here is how it works:

  1. Go to
  2. Sign up and securely store your API keys (they’re fully encrypted)
  3. Choose whether to test LLMs or image models
  4. Mix and match different models and prompts to create your test setup
  5. Click “Generate” and compare the results

Tools used:
-AWS API Gateway
-AWS Lambda

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This looks cool! Thanks for sharing your project @treypezzetti-gmailco :smile:

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