Project Deployment created a long time ago doesn't have `projectSettings`

I have been using Vercel since before it was Vercel. I can’t even remember the name, but the deployment I’ve been using has never broken. I modified something in the deployments, trying to get www to work, but it broke. I thought I reverted all my changes, but now my site says 404.


When I’m on the deployment screen, I can see my old deployment, but it doesn’t have a domain. When I try to activate this deployment (working code), I get a message:

The projectSettings object is required for new projects, but is missing in the deployment payload

  1. I don’t have the code that this project deployment was built from. Do I need to download the deployment source and try to re-deploy with new settings? Where in the documentation should I start?
  2. I would prefer to just add a dummy projectSettings property to the deployment without having to modify the deployment using the CLI. I tried deploying the project deployment from the CLI, but ran into the same issue: “projectSettings” is missing
  3. Where do I find in the documentation what sort of “projectSettings” need to be defined?

Hey @profbear. If you change the framework preset, does the error go away?

Hey amy,

Thanks for your time. If I recall, I published static files in this deployment. The only relevant files for creating the distribution of the website are included already in the deployment. I do not require a build step to create artifacts or compile JS using a framework. It’s a static page, essentially.

This is exactly what I want! We did it!!!


  1. Set framework to Other
  2. Set override checkbox to true for Build Step, and empty the input text


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