Problem with deploying

I’m using vercel CLI to deploy my project to production but when I deploy it to the production instead of deploying to the main short domain it deploys to “production” domains longer than the oxford dictionary. I tried everything and I don’t know how to fix it.

Hi @viktorknezevic. Deployments can have multiple domains assigned. All deployments get a unique generated URL, but a production deployment should also get a shorter human-readable one.

If you’re using vercel deploy --prod to deploy, then I would expect the production domain to be applied even though the CLI returns the unique deployment URL. You can check which domains are associated with a deployment by following the Inspect link after deploying. That will take you to a dashboard page where you can view additional deployment details, including all domains that lead to that deployment.

If that’s not working for you, please let me know the domains so I dig for more details. :pray:

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