Open-Sourcing Codebase Help

Hey everyone! :wave:

I’m working on a project that I’d like to share with the community, but before I keep the codebase public, I want to make sure I’m not missing any legal or security-related concerns. I could really use some help figuring this out!


:memo: Here’s the context:

  • The project is a Next.js starter template with some TypeScript, ESLint, Tailwind CSS, and Docker configurations. It’s mainly a boilerplate that I built to speed up new projects.
  • I’ve used some open-source libraries (all with permissive licenses like MIT or Apache 2.0) to build it.
  • It doesn’t include any proprietary or sensitive code—just my own custom logic and structure.
  • I’ve been using this internally for client projects, but none of the actual client work is part of this codebase.

My questions:

  1. License Compliance: Since the project includes open-source dependencies, how can I ensure I’m complying with all licenses? Do I need to include or modify their licenses when making my project public?
  2. Client Work: Even though the codebase doesn’t contain client-specific work, is there anything I should be cautious about if I’ve used this as a starter template for client projects in the past? (e.g., could I accidentally expose something I shouldn’t?)
  3. Proprietary Code: I don’t think there’s any proprietary or sensitive code in here, but is there an easy way to double-check or audit the codebase before going public? Any tips on what to look out for?
  4. Choosing a License: What’s a good license to use if I want others to freely use and modify the template while giving credit? I’m leaning toward MIT or Apache 2.0, but I’d love advice on which one would be best.

Any advice or insights?

I’m fairly new to making codebases public, so I want to be 100% sure I’m doing everything by the book. Any guidance on how to safely and legally open-source a project like this would be much appreciated!

Thanks so much in advance! :pray:

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Others are welcome to share from their own experience as well, but I want to get you started with some resources that I think can help you. :smile:

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