I made website in next.js using firebase as backend.
I am using next 14.2.0.
I am fetching the case studies as soon as user lands to case study page.
When user click on any case study then it’s navigating to it’s detail screen.
This navigation works only for 1 day after that I am not able to navigate. When user click on any case study then it’s redirect the case study main page.
My website’s case study home page
when you click on first case-study then it’s redirect to same page.
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This navigation works only for 1 day after that I am not able to navigate. When user click on any case study then it’s redirect the case study main page.
From what I understand, you made no changes to your code (?) and now, the navigation to the case studies is broken. Is that right?
I went onto your website and can confirm that the only case study that works is this one: Case study Telindus | NewU
It’s worth checking how you manage your routes on your app. Feel free to share any snippets here as it’d help us figure out what wrong.