I created a simple and fast portfolio template called Nextfolio using Next.js, Vercel, and Tailwind CSS.
Technologies Used
- Framework: Next.js
- Typography: Vercel Geist Font
- Styling: Tailwind CSS
- Analytics: Vercel Web Analytics and Speed Insights
- Deployment: Vercel
- MDX Support: Write blog posts using Markdown with JSX components.
- Light and Dark Mode Toggle: Switch between themes for improved readability.
- Dynamic OG Images: Automatically generate Open Graph images for social sharing.
- SEO Optimization: Boost search visibility with sitemap, robots.txt, and JSON-LD schema.
- Feed Generation: Automatically create dynamic RSS, Atom, and JSON feeds.
- KaTeX Integration: Smoothly render mathematical expressions.
- Performance Tracking: Monitor site performance with Vercel Web Analytics and Speed Insights.
- Interactive Embeds: Easily embed interactive tweets and YouTube videos.
- Captions: Add descriptive captions to photos, tweets, and videos.
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