Next API: Response or NextResponse?

First of all, this question arose from this topic, which I accidentally closed before thanking @amyegan for her help.

So, thanks—your solution worked successfully! However, shouldn’t this be considered a bug or a missing feature?

Now, if guys you don’t mind clarifying something for me, here’s my question:

What are the actual benefits of using NextRequest over Request? I’ve always struggled to find the key differences between the two. If possible, I’m interested in a more technical explanation—perhaps there are differences related to cookies or other aspects?

Thank you for your time and attention!

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Hi, @lucarampi! :wave:

Let me try and help you out here!

perhaps there are differences related to cookies or other aspects?

You’re right.

NextRequest extends the Web Request API with additional convenience methods, particularly for handling cookies . It provides methods like set(), get(), getAll(), and delete() for easy cookie manipulation.

This can simplify tasks that would otherwise require manual parsing of the Cookie header.

Do you have any other specific questions?

Cool, now I see it. I had the same question about Requests as well.

Does the same logic apply to NextResponse and Response?

I realized I made a mistake earlier; I meant to ask about NextResponse and Response but didn’t. My apologies :sweat_smile:.

Could you please, if you don’t mind, explain the differences between NextResponse and Response to me (if it does not follow the same logic)?

Thanks a lot!

No worries! NextResponse works similarly to NextRequest. It’s a wrapper to extend the Response with additional convenience methods.

You can find all the details here:

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