My premium subscription got canceled all of a sudden

Hi there ,
This morning, I used chat, but now I don’t. The system is asking me to subscribe again, but I still have time until October 5th.

Hey @c1n-s4. Billing and invoice issues involve a lot of personal information, and I don’t want to risk leaking any of your info here in public. I see that there is a payment failed error message, so you may be able to solve that error by entering a different payment method if you have one.

If that doesn’t work for you, please open a new case so one of our billing specialists can investigate the cause of this error. To do that visit, click the Get Help button, and provide some info about what happened (you can include a link to this post). Choose v0 as the Product and Invoice Enquiry as the Problem Area on the form to make sure it reaches the billing specialists as quickly as possible.

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