Linting throws error in monorepo but not normal repo

When running npm run lint, it throws Parsing error: Unexpected character '@'eslint. When ESLint is not installed it throws from ts(-1) instead.

The expected behavior would be to recognize the @render syntax in Svelte 5. Like how it happens when not using Monorepo

I made a simple repro. Hopefully one of you are able to see the issue. Everything is up-to-date.

I made a generic base config for TS and eslint, for node backend and svelte web/ and extended it in svelte config.

The app works as expected, so this is purely a linting, ts issue.

Clone GitHub - IdrisCelik/Repro
npm install
npm run lint


Bump, any help is welcome

Hi, @idrismc! We’ve asked internally and will loop back :smile:

Amazing, thanks for your reply!

Hi @pawlean

Would love to hear a update :slight_smile: