Legal Concerns Regarding Publicly Accessible v0 Websites

Dear Vercel Team,

I hope you’re doing well.

I have a question regarding the legal implications of using v0 for website creation. Since websites generated with v0 are automatically published and accessible via a public link, I am concerned about potential legal issues, especially in countries with strict requirements for legal notices such as an imprint (Impressum), terms and conditions, and a privacy policy.

Would I be at risk of legal action if my website is publicly available during development but does not yet include the necessary legal disclaimers? If so, do you have any recommendations on how to handle this while still being able to test the site?

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards
Onur Cirag

Hi, @onurcirag08-gmailcom! Welcome to the Vercel Community :wave:

As far as I understand, your v0 blocks are private, unless you change it to unlisted or public.

Do you mean after you’ve deployed?

Hi, no I haven’t deployed the project yet but, I noticed that I can use the “Open in New Tab” option. Is the link generated through this option publicly accessible to anyone, or is it still restricted/private by default unless explicitly shared or made public?

I just want to ensure there won’t be any legal issues if someone were to accidentally access the link before the site is fully ready and compliant with legal requirements like an imprint or privacy policy.

Thank you for clarifying!

It’s this :slight_smile:

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