KV daily request limit

Hi, I’m using the hobby/free plan.
I have a KV database and a python app/function that reads from it.

I got this email:

Your account has used 300% of the daily included usage for Vercel KV requests (3,000) on the free tier.
Requests beyond this level are rate limited for the remainder of the day.

For how long is this restriction? It’s been a couple of days and I still get " 504 : GATEWAY_TIMEOUT"

I can read the database with a local python script but on Vercel I get:
This Serverless Function has timed out.


Storage Size
28.5 kB/256 MB


Data Transfer
12.6 MB/256 MB


Solved by changing function Default Max Duration from 10 (default) to 60 seconds.

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Thanks for coming back and sharing your solution, @sebaro!

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