Issue deploying project

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I am trying to deploy the chinese-anthos branch from my repository GitHub - cat2d2/ hacks and clones! Super sigma

Currently, I have the deployment branch set to chinese-anthos, and Vercel runs

cd chinese-anthos
npm install 
npm run build 

I tried npm run dev and npm run build. I didn’t actually put change directory in the build instructions ofc. It was trying to build for 35 minutes until I stopped it. The logs said listening on port 25564 or something (I forgot). It works fine locally and in codespaces. Is there a way to open the forwarded port differently with Vercel or something? Please help :pray:

Can you share the deployment ID? I can see both florr and florrio has successful production deployment.
404: NOT_FOUNDCode: NOT_FOUNDID: pdx1:pdx1::9llpv-1730653168025-baa51a5733c7

It looks like you are trying to run a server on Vercel platform which is a serverless platform: at main · cat2d2/ · GitHub. Unfortunately this won’t be possible.

Aww okay. Thanks for the help.

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