Is there any size limitation for original images?


In my website I have an image of which size is 12.4mb. Every time when the image is loaded vercel cache is MISS.
Is there any size limitation for images when using vercel?

I just noticed that an image of 9.9mb is cached.

Thank you,

Hi, @developer-portalonec! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

From the relevant documentation:

For all the images that are optimized by Vercel, the following limits apply:

  • The maximum size for an optimized image is 10 MB, as set out in the Cacheable Responses limits. If this limit is exceeded, a 500 status code will be returned
  • Each source image has a maximum width and height of 8192 pixels
  • A source image must be one of the following formats to be optimized: .jpeg, .png, .webp. Other formats will be served as-is
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