We work with clients and ask them to sign-up for Vercel. We usually handle deployment and keep the site on our Github account as they are not tech savvy. The issue is that their Vercel account can see all of our repositories that are able to be added. Although they need the .env to deploy properly, I would love it if they couldn’t see the other projects we have worked on.
Hi, @info-manualengine! Welcome to the Vercel Community
You could:
- Create a new Vercel team for the client’s project.
- Import the client’s project into this new team.
- Invite the client to this specific team.
This makes sure that the client only has access to their own project within Vercel, without being able to see other projects your account has worked on.
Does that help?
Let’s say they create a new project, will they not see the connected github account and the repositories I made available for Vercel?
Also what if I want the client to create the team as we want them to handle the billing
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