That’s an excellent question about Vercel’s rewrite functionality!
For rewrites within the same project (like /about → /uk/about), Vercel resolves these internally without making an additional HTTP request.
For rewrites to another project in the same Vercel account (like /about →, Vercel doesn’t have a built-in mechanism to directly rewrite to another project within the same account without making an HTTP request. These rewrites are treated similarly to external rewrites.
For external rewrites (like /uk →, Vercel will indeed make an HTTP request to the specified destination.
It’s important to note that while Vercel supports using rewrites as a reverse proxy, including to external destinations, there isn’t a special internal routing mechanism for cross-project rewrites within the same account.
If you need to frequently route between different projects in your Vercel account, you might want to consider alternative architectures, such as using a monorepo setup or implementing a custom routing layer.