Infinity deploying on create random domain for custom environment

I’ve created new environment with Pro Plan. But I want to get random domain from vercel to this, to connect my custom domain after

But new generated domain doesn’t work and it’s deploying from yesterday

The domain troubleshooting guide can help with most custom domain configuration issues. You might be able to use that guide to solve it before a human is available to help you. Then you can come back here and share the answer for bonus points.

You can also use v0 to narrow down the possibilities.

Hi @team-skills4cause, welcome to the Vercel Community!

Sorry that the Vercel unique domains are taking longer than usual. It could have been a one-off issue. I’d recommend removing all of the “Deploying” domains and adding them again one by one.

I hope this helps.

Solution: you shouldn’t create domain from Environments => Domains
Make it from Domains tab, and attach your environment right there


Hi @team-skills4cause, glad to see you got this working. Thanks for sharing the feedback. I’ll forward it to the product team because it should work from Environments => Domains as well.

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