Import Error Failed to load "@tiptap/pm" from "@tiptap/extension-link

For the past week I’ve been using v0 to code NextJS and it’s been relatively smooth.

However, suddenly it have started giving this error when I try to access a page. It does it in all forks of the project, which I guess indicates that it’s a project/setup error. Even though I havn’t changed this.

Import Error Failed to load “@tiptap/pm” from “@tiptap/extension-link”, make sure it exists.

Can somebody please help?

Hi, Emil!

Can you share an example chat link? Would be helpful to share this bug with the v0 team.

Hi Pauline. Suddenly the error disappeared, so thanks :slight_smile:

However, I’ve updated from a Hobby account to a Pro account because I need more messages AND most of all Webhook-functionality. My project/chats in my Hobby project - including my storage setup - isn’t transferred to my Pro account.

My Hobby account is called “emilholm-gmailcom’s projects” and my Pro account is called “Qualitive”.

I’ve created a ticket, but got no response. Can you please help me - it’s urgent.

Hi pauline

I still really need you to transfer my project on my Hobby account to my Pro account because I need more messages AND most of all Webhook-functionality urgently.


Hello @emilholm-gmailcom :wave: – it looks like you had submitted a support case. I’ve gone ahead and replied back to you in the case, outlining next steps we can take. I look forward to hearing back from you!

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Thanks, David. Appriciate it

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