for #1 value. The only thing I’m seeing in the docs that articulates the value is:
Frameworks that integrate with the Data Cache (currently Next.js) are able to cache data per fetch instead of per route. This means you can have static, dynamic, and revalidated data together in the same route.
Why does it matter to cache per fetch instead of per route? I’d be happy to have my pages cached on Nginx or a CDN for a fraction of what Vercel is charging me. The documentation says what the Data Cache is but not why it helps me or why I should pay for it.
#2 Setting cache control headers. I’ve tried that in my Next config file for my highest bandwidth routes but have see zero reduction in data cache writes or reads. It would be great to have page caching as my site is static but charging $100+ dollars per month for caching static pages is ridiculoud imho.
This is the cache control headers I set:
async headers() {
return [
source: ‘/companies/:company’,
headers: [
key: ‘Cache-Control’,
value: ‘public, s-maxage=86400, stale-while-revalidate=43200’,
source: ‘/jobs/:slug’,
headers: [
key: ‘Cache-Control’,
value: ‘public, s-maxage=86400, stale-while-revalidate=43200’,
#3 I wanted to see what pages were doing these millions of reads and writes. This wasn’t at all clear by the usage dashboard that just shows the number of reads or writes per project per day. I was interested in removing these reads and writes so I needed to know what pages they are happening on.
What I’m using now is the Usage > Networking > Top Paths to see our most expensive pages