I built "HackerNews new jobs" with Next.js, ShadcnUI and SQLite

The website is meant for people that look for jobs on HackerNews “Who’s Hiring” threads and want to focus more on fresh ads and companies, or to quickly look up ad history of any company.

Github repository: https://github.com/nemanjam/hn-new-jobs

Demo website: https://hackernews-new-jobs.arm1.nemanjamitic.com

I used Algolia API as a data source, along with scheduled task that parses new threads few times at the beginning of each month. The extracted data is then stored in SQLite database for fast querying, and the results are cached with Keyv for faster page responses. I will see in the future how much traffic the website receives and if this stack is performant enough. For the website I used Next.js app with default ShadcnUI components and charts. I just wanted a quick functional prototype to test how much public interest is there for an app with functionality like this.

If you are interested in more implementation details you can find them in the Readme file on Github.

The project is free and open source. Feel free to use, self-host, fork and modify, and contribute. I would love to hear your impressions and suggestions and look forward to discussing features and technical details.


Hi @nemanjamiticelfak-gm, thanks for sharing your project with the community. Kudos for putting this together :raised_hands:


Thank you very much.

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Cool project, Nemanja!


Thank you, I appreciate it.

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