How do I manage Fast Data Transfer Usage on Vercel Pro Plan?

Hello Vercel Community,

I recently received an email from Vercel stating:

“Your team MTTT has used 75% of your monthly included Fast Data Transfer usage. Once you hit the 1 TB included with the Pro plan, additional usage is billed based on region.”

Here’s my situation:

  • My traffic is consistent and hasn’t spiked unexpectedly.
  • I’ve already implemented Package Bundling Optimization and Image Optimization to reduce bandwidth usage.

Despite these efforts, I’m still approaching the Fast Data Transfer limit. I’d like to explore additional ways to optimize usage without compromising performance.

I’d greatly appreciate any advice, insights, or tools you can suggest to better manage and optimize data transfer on Vercel.

Thank you in advance for your help!


Hi, @prathm0025! Welcome to the Vercel Community :raised_hands:

It’s great that you’ve already implemented Package Bundling Optimization and Image Optimization.

Here are some other ideas:

1. Understand Fast Data Transfer (FDT):
FDT refers to the low-latency movement of data between users and the Vercel Edge Network. It’s measured by the volume of data transferred during a request, covering both inbound and outbound data.

2. Analyze your current usage:
Use Vercel’s analytics tools to identify which parts of your application are consuming the most bandwidth. This can help you target your optimization efforts more effectively.

3. Implement caching strategies:

  • Use Vercel’s Edge Caching to cache static assets and API responses at the edge.
  • Implement browser caching by setting appropriate cache-control headers.
  • Consider using a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for large static assets.

4. Optimize API responses:

  • Minimize the size of API responses by only sending necessary data.
  • Use pagination for large datasets to reduce the amount of data transferred in a single request.
  • Implement GraphQL if you have complex data requirements, as it allows clients to request only the data they need.

5. Code splitting and lazy loading:
If you haven’t already, implement code splitting and lazy loading for your JavaScript bundles. This can significantly reduce the initial load time and data transfer.

6. Optimize fonts:

  • Use system fonts where possible.
  • For custom fonts, consider using variable fonts to reduce file size.
  • Implement font subsetting to include only the characters you need.

I’ll also cross-post a similar thread, in case it’s helpful:

Remember, optimization is an ongoing process. Let us know how you get on!

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