Hire Me (January 2025)

What is this?

This discussion is for developers that work with Vercel products looking for work.


Share your information if you are looking for work.

Please use this format:

Willing to relocate:

Good luck with interviewing!

If you’re a company looking to hire, please use this thread instead.

Hi @joshmohrer .
Happy New Year
This is Elijah and I am interested in your job posting
I am a solid full stack engineer, this is my email and GitHub
elijah.gray0218@gmail.com, leonace924 (Pegasus) · GitHub

Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Best, Elijah


Location: APAC
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: yes
Technologies: Nextjs, supabase, Tailwind CSS
Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yadong-zhang-48a474154
Website: x.com
Email: zhyd007[at]gmail.com


Location: Sydney, Australia - GMT+11
Remote: Fully Remote
Technologies: Next.js, React, TypeScript, JavaScript, Node.js, Java, Kotlin, Spring
LinkedIn: LinkedIn profile
Email: mail@christian-ivicevic.com

Most of my experience is in web development, with a strong focus on the JavaScript/React ecosystem (think Next.js and beyond). I also dabble in backend work, mainly with Java/Kotlin and Spring, though frontend (and JavaScript-based full stack) is where I’m most comfortable.

Besides the usual dev work, I’m also interested in roles like coaching, mentoring, or training, especially helping teams or individuals level up their skills.


Location: New York
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: yes
Technologies: NodeJs, JavaScript, NextJs, MySQL, MongoDb, ExpressJs, Docker, Github, CI/CD
Resume/CV: Yehor Voronov - Resume 2025.pdf - Google Drive
Website: YehorVoronov (Yehor) · GitHub
Email: yehorvoronov70@gmail.com


Location: Italy, Europe
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Javascript, Typescript, React, Jest, Cypress, Jest, Java, Spring, PostgreSql
Resume/CV: Sinan Sonmez - UniCredit | LinkedIn
Website: sinansonmez (Sinan Sonmez (Chaush)) · GitHub
Email: sinansonmez@outlook.com


Location: Florida, US
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Nextjs, NodeJs, JavaScript, MySQL, MongoDb, ExpressJs, Docker, Github, CI/CD
Resume/CV: Nicolas Quinones Resume
Website: Portfolio Website | LinkedIn | GitHub
Email: quinonesnn@gmail.com

I am a Full-Stack Developer and Technical Consultant, I’m interested in a Front-End or Back-End position but would also love to be considered for the current Technical Consultant position that is posted on the Job Board.

Looking forward to hearing from you all soon!

~ Nick


Location: India
Remote: Yes
Technologies: React, Nextjs, Nodejs, JavaScript, MySQL, MongoDB, Github, TypeScript
Resume/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1G32f6vlHqDFjsNJOWB2oZAKl47u2Cctr/view
Website: https://kartikshuklaportfolio.vercel.app/index.html | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kartik-shukla-09b29528b/
Email: Kartikshukla1707@gmail.com


Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Java, Spring Boot, Kotlin, Python, Javascript, Typescript
Resume/CV: Hoa Tran - Blankfactor | LinkedIn
Website: hoaknoppix (Hòa Trần) · GitHub
Email: hoaqt91@gmail.com

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Location: South Carolina,United States
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Typescript, Java, MongoDB, AWS
Resume/CV: Adesh_Resume_SE.pdf - Google Drive
Website: https://adeshbhosaleport.netlify.app
Email: badesh15298@gmail.com

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Location: Lagos
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: Yes
Technologies: Javascrpt, react, react native, nestjs, express, nodejs
Resume/CV: Emmanuel Olagundoye - Mintyn | Online Banking | LinkedIn
Website: Emmanuel Olagundoye - Mintyn | Online Banking | LinkedIn
Email: eooluwakayode34@gmail.com

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Location: India
Remote: Yes
Technologies: React, Nextjs, Nodejs, JavaScript, TypeScript , postgreSQL, MongoDB, Github,
Resume/CV: Fullstack_Resume_Sandip.pdf - Google Drive
Website: https://sandipsarkar.dev
Email: contact@sandipsarkar.dev

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Location: Brazil
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: no
Technologies: Next, React, Typescript, Javascript, TailwindCSS, Node, MongoDB, Docker
Resume/CV: Thiago Benega Resume
Email: thiagobenega@gmail.com
Linkedin: thiagobenega

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Location: Long Island, NY
Remote: No preference
Willing to relocate: Yes

  • React
  • Next.js
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • Astro
  • Tailwind CSS
  • shadcn/ui
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest
  • Playwright
  • Storybook
  • Figma
  • Git
  • GitHub

Resume/CV: https://ryanfurrer.com/_astro/ryan-furrer-resume.BZcJsUJG.pdf
Website: https://ryanfurrer.com/
Email: ryandotfurrer@gmail.com

I love building well-designed yet functional, and importantly accessible websites and apps. You can ask some of the people I’ve worked with such as James Q. Quick, Shashi Lo, Jason Torres, Chris Nowicki, and more.

While I can write a small novel on my love for working on the frontend of websites and apps, I won’t leave that for you to read.

I’ll just let you know that I am obsessed with it. Several people have told me I’m weird for loving CSS; however, building out designs, components, and sparking joy when browsing a website or using an app is truly where I feel happiest.

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Location: India
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: yes
Technologies: Next.js, Node JS, supabase,

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Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: if necessary

Technologies: c++, javascript, react.js, react native, tailwind css, SQL, node.js, express.js, git, GitHub

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U_DBExTZQZNTRZv7PstzTb_a7kIPqrkH/view?usp=drivesdk

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/uday-jhariya-558355247

Email: jhariyauday60@gmail.com

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Location: Manila, Philippines
Remote: Yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: React, Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Storybook, Redux Toolkit, Firebase
Resume/CV: Dale Larroder | LinkedIn
Website: dalelarroder.com
Email: hi@dalelarroder.com

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Location - India

  • Remote: Yes
  • Willing to Relocate: Yes


  • JavaScript, React, Node.js, AWS, DynamoDB, Prisma, and PostgresSQL




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Location: Remote
Remote: yes
Willing to relocate: No
Technologies: Nextjs , ReactJS , Typescript , tailwindCSS , shadcn , redux , routing
Resume/CV: CV
Website: Portfolio
Email: mahmoudwebdev@outlook.com

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