Build all suceessful, But deployment kept failing without any meaningful error message, jus say “This may be a transient error.” I tried many times, no luck.
The URL: crazyface3 – Deployment Overview – Vercel.
The log:
[21:04:23.451] Running build in Washington, D.C., USA (East) – iad1
[21:04:23.560] Retrieving list of deployment files…
[21:04:23.563] Skipping build cache, deployment was triggered without cache.
[21:04:24.083] Downloading 185 deployment files…
[21:04:25.345] Running “vercel build”
[21:04:25.739] Vercel CLI 37.4.0
[21:04:27.045] Detected pnpm-lock.yaml
version 9 generated by pnpm@9.x
[21:04:27.066] Installing dependencies…
[21:04:27.629] Lockfile is up to date, resolution step is skipped
[21:04:27.716] Progress: resolved 1, reused 0, downloaded 0, added 0
[21:04:27.887] Packages: +820
[21:04:27.888] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
[21:04:28.736] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 35, added 24
[21:04:29.737] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 58, added 46
[21:04:30.741] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 73, added 60
[21:04:31.740] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 133, added 127
[21:04:32.741] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 267, added 265
[21:04:33.748] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 419, added 414
[21:04:34.748] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 480, added 467
[21:04:35.749] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 527, added 516
[21:04:36.750] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 580, added 565
[21:04:37.751] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 724, added 711
[21:04:38.390] Progress: resolved 820, reused 0, downloaded 820, added 820, done
[21:04:38.611] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install$ node ./scripts/install.js
[21:04:38.613] …/node_modules/protobufjs postinstall$ node scripts/postinstall
[21:04:38.613] …/node_modules/@clerk/shared postinstall$ node ./scripts/postinstall.mjs
[21:04:38.683] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: Thank you for installing tsParticles.
[21:04:38.684] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: Remember to checkout the official website to explore some samples.
[21:04:38.684] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: You can find more samples on CodePen too:
[21:04:38.685] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: If you need documentation you can find it here: tsParticles - v3.0.0
[21:04:38.685] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: Don’t forget to star the tsParticles repository, if you like the project and want to support it: GitHub - tsparticles/tsparticles: tsParticles - Easily create highly customizable JavaScript particles effects, confetti explosions and fireworks animations and use them as animated backgrounds for your website. Ready to use components available for React.js, Vue.js (2.x and 3.x), Angular, Svelte, jQuery, Preact, Inferno, Solid, Riot and Web Components.
[21:04:38.685] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: You can read more about the component here:
[21:04:38.686] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: e[43me[30mFound React installed. Please download react-particles to use tsParticles with a component ready to use and easier to configure.e[0m
[21:04:38.690] …/node_modules/@tsparticles/engine install: Done
[21:04:38.699] …/node_modules/protobufjs postinstall: Done
[21:04:38.714] …/node_modules/@clerk/shared postinstall: Done
[21:04:38.973] dependencies:
[21:04:38.973] + @clerk/nextjs 5.3.7
[21:04:38.973] + @nextui-org/image 2.0.31
[21:04:38.973] + @nextui-org/react 2.4.6
[21:04:38.973] + @nextui-org/spinner 2.0.33
[21:04:38.973] + @nextui-org/system 2.2.5
[21:04:38.973] + @nextui-org/theme 2.2.9
[21:04:38.973] + @radix-ui/react-alert-dialog 1.1.1
[21:04:38.973] + @radix-ui/react-checkbox 1.1.1
[21:04:38.973] + @radix-ui/react-dialog 1.1.1
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-dropdown-menu 2.1.1
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-hover-card 1.1.1
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-icons 1.3.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-label 2.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-progress 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-select 2.1.1
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-separator 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-slot 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-switch 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-tabs 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-toggle 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-toggle-group 1.1.0
[21:04:38.974] + @radix-ui/react-tooltip 1.1.2
[21:04:38.974] + @supabase/supabase-js 2.45.3
[21:04:38.974] + @tabler/icons-react 3.14.0
[21:04:38.974] + @tsparticles/engine 3.5.0
[21:04:38.974] + @tsparticles/react 3.0.0
[21:04:38.974] + @tsparticles/slim 3.5.0
[21:04:38.974] + @uiw/react-watermark 1.0.1
[21:04:38.974] + @vercel/analytics 1.3.1
[21:04:38.974] + @vercel/blob 0.23.4
[21:04:38.974] + @zilliz/milvus2-sdk-node 2.4.8
[21:04:38.974] + class-variance-authority 0.7.0
[21:04:38.974] + clsx 2.1.1
[21:04:38.974] + embla-carousel-react 8.2.1
[21:04:38.974] + framer-motion 11.3.31
[21:04:38.974] + fuse.js 7.0.0
[21:04:38.974] + lucide-react 0.436.0
[21:04:38.974] + next 14.2.7
[21:04:38.974] + next-themes 0.3.0
[21:04:38.974] + openai 4.57.0
[21:04:38.975] + p-retry 6.2.0
[21:04:38.975] + posthog-js 1.160.0
[21:04:38.975] + posthog-node 4.2.0
[21:04:38.975] + react 18.3.1
[21:04:38.975] + react-dom 18.3.1
[21:04:38.975] + replicate 0.32.1
[21:04:38.975] + sitemap 8.0.0
[21:04:38.975] + sonner 1.5.0
[21:04:38.975] + stripe 16.9.0
[21:04:38.975] + tailwind-merge 2.5.2
[21:04:38.975] + tailwindcss-animate 1.0.7
[21:04:38.975] + vaul 0.9.1
[21:04:38.975] devDependencies:
[21:04:38.975] + @types/node 20.16.2
[21:04:38.975] + @types/react 18.3.5
[21:04:38.975] + @types/react-dom 18.3.0
[21:04:38.975] + eslint 8.57.0
[21:04:38.975] + eslint-config-next 14.2.7
[21:04:38.975] + postcss 8.4.41
[21:04:38.975] + tailwindcss 3.4.10
[21:04:38.975] + typescript 5.5.4
[21:04:39.001] Done in 11.9s
[21:04:39.062] Detected Next.js version: 14.2.7
[21:04:39.080] Running “pnpm run build”
[21:04:39.562] > crazyface3@0.1.0 build /vercel/path0
[21:04:39.562] > next build
[21:04:40.231] Attention: Next.js now collects completely anonymous telemetry regarding usage.
[21:04:40.231] This information is used to shape Next.js’ roadmap and prioritize features.
[21:04:40.231] You can learn more, including how to opt-out if you’d not like to participate in this anonymous program, by visiting the following URL:
[21:04:40.231] Telemetry | Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework
[21:04:40.293] ▲ Next.js 14.2.7
[21:04:40.293] - Environments: .env
[21:04:40.370] Creating an optimized production build …
[21:05:31.775] ✓ Compiled successfully
[21:05:31.777] Linting and checking validity of types …
[21:05:43.587] Collecting page data …
[21:05:46.873] Generating static pages (0/9) …
[21:05:47.351] Generating static pages (2/9)
[21:05:47.351] Generating static pages (4/9)
[21:05:47.760] Generating static pages (6/9)
[21:05:47.761] scrollYProgress u {
[21:05:47.761] version: ‘11.3.31’,
[21:05:47.761] canTrackVelocity: true,
[21:05:47.761] events: {},
[21:05:47.761] updateAndNotify: [Function (anonymous)],
[21:05:47.761] hasAnimated: false,
[21:05:47.761] current: 0,
[21:05:47.761] updatedAt: 4024.135379,
[21:05:47.761] owner: undefined
[21:05:47.761] }
[21:05:47.954] ✓ Generating static pages (9/9)
[21:05:48.217] Finalizing page optimization …
[21:05:48.217] Collecting build traces …
[21:06:00.994] Route (app) Size First Load JS
[21:06:00.994] ┌ ○ / 58.6 kB 211 kB
[21:06:00.994] ├ ○ /_not-found 875 B 88.2 kB
[21:06:00.994] ├ ƒ /api/avatar/upload 0 B 0 B
[21:06:00.994] ├ ƒ /backoffice 2.72 kB 110 kB
[21:06:00.994] ├ ƒ /expression-changer 42.3 kB 268 kB
[21:06:00.994] └ ƒ /history 10.6 kB 181 kB
[21:06:00.994] + First Load JS shared by all 87.3 kB
[21:06:00.994] ├ chunks/623-97faf58565b247a7.js 31.7 kB
[21:06:00.994] ├ chunks/e4649e61-23dc2160a9e0f565.js 53.6 kB
[21:06:00.994] └ other shared chunks (total) 1.97 kB
[21:06:00.994] Route (pages) Size First Load JS
[21:06:00.994] ┌ ƒ /api/avatar-old/upload 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.994] ├ ƒ /api/face-generate 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/face-templates 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/favorite-generate 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/fetch-closest-faces 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/generate-driving-image 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/poll-replicate-predict 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/replicate-predict 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ ƒ /api/store-generation 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] └ ƒ /api/user-history 0 B 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] + First Load JS shared by all 79.6 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ chunks/framework-ded83d71b51ce901.js 45.2 kB
[21:06:00.995] ├ chunks/main-862cfc2cb91ef2ef.js 32.5 kB
[21:06:00.995] └ other shared chunks (total) 1.94 kB
[21:06:00.995] ƒ Middleware 59 kB
[21:06:00.995] ○ (Static) prerendered as static content
[21:06:00.995] ƒ (Dynamic) server-rendered on demand
[21:06:01.099] Traced Next.js server files in: 34.698ms
[21:06:01.899] Created all serverless functions in: 798.372ms
[21:06:01.999] Collected static files (public/, static/, .next/static): 8.254ms
[21:06:02.065] Build Completed in /vercel/output [2m]
[21:06:02.221] Deploying outputs…
[21:06:13.921] An unexpected error happened when running this build. We have been notified of the problem. This may be a transient error. If the problem persists, please contact Vercel Support Help