Function timeouts

Hey everyone,

Is anyone else facing increased function resolution time today?

To be more specific i have a Remix app with a Turso database and drizzle as ORM which i haven’t worked on for some time. After deploying a preview env today i started to notice function timeouts. The strange thing is that all of my older production and preview deployments are working fine. If i rebuild an old deployment and i assign it to production it starts to fail too.

The app works perfectly fine in local dev with all queries resolving in sub 1s time. Any suggestions or ideas?

My initial thought is that this is caused by a package difference given that you mentioned it’s been a while since your previous deployment. Do you have packages pinned to specific versions, or are they set to allow minor version updates in packages.json (e.g. "some-package-name": "^1.2.3")?

Hey, amy

My thoughts were the same. So the first thing i did was to generate a preview env with a package-lock identical to the one that is in prod.

  1. Made sure lockfiles were 1-1
  2. npm ci-ed
  3. Pushed and created a preview env

Results were unfortunately the same :crying_cat_face:

I also considered the scenario that this is a vercel preview env issue. So i tried my luck and pushed to prod (that’s where the real testing happens anyhow), but unfortunately it was the same there. So i rolled-back

:thinking: What happens if you lock the package version in package.json instead of just in the lockfile?

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