Firewall interfieres with cronjobs

Hi!, i’m confused, I deployed my Next.js project on Vercel in a production enviorement, my project has one cronjob and i realized that the cronjob didn’t execute because I am blocking all requests out of Mexico with a firewall rule and that rule is blocking the cronjob request too. Does anyone know how can i use my firewall rule without affect my cronjob functionality?

I will be very grateful for your help <3

Hi, @nizvan018! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

This is super interesting! I don’t know the answer but happy to figure it out together :raised_hands:

Are you using Vercel cronjobs? Or is this an external service?

Hi @pawlean !

Yes, I’m using Vercel cronjobs, and my rule put all the traffic outside of Mexico in challenge mode, and that’s interfering with my cronjob.

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Hi, @nizvan018!

We recently published this guide: Troubleshooting Vercel Cron Jobs in case it’s helpful for you to debug.