Failed to deploy block to Vercel

Please, when I try to deploy from V0 to Vercel, I receive this error message: Failed to deploy block to Vercel.


I am facing the same issue

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I am also facing the same issue. That is what brough me here

I have the same thing. Is there any updates from Vercel support? The v0 doesn’t help with the troubleshooting, I’m just in a loop for the second day trying.

Hi, folks! Thank you for your patience :pray:

I’ve shared this with the v0 team and will circle back with updates. In the meantime, any v0 links you can share with us would be helpful.

This is my link: Fork of Skill Boomers - v0 by Vercel. Thank you

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this is my link:

I need help quite badly.

Many thanks!

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Hey folks! This may be helpful: