Error in page showing

I have made a site and hosted it on vercel. But the issue I am facing is i am having a admin panel on my website, so when i host it on my local computer the admin panel button is showing on site, but when i host it on vercel app, the admin button just disappear and i am unable to access it.

Site Link - CU Mess

This is my front page when hosted locally.

Can anyone help.

Hi @vision39, welcome to the Vercel Community!

It is hard to debug the issue without looking at the code. But, from the top of the head:

  • Have you published the latest code to Vercel?
  • What is the condition for the Admin Panel button to appear?

If you need more help, please share your public repo or a minimal reproducible example. That will let us all work together from the same code to figure out what’s going wrong.

Hey, thankyou for replying.

I have a private github repo for this particular project. I have send you request for my github repo. Kindly check your github for collaboration.