Deployment request did not have a git author with access

I get this error message when I manually want to deploy from the Vercel dashboard:

How is this possible when I am the owner of the Vercel account AND the owner of the repositor AND the owner of the commit (commit SHA: c0fe63d080dcf663204d9de17cbc2ca29a355c52, but the repo is private)?

The reason I want to manually deploy is because the automatic deployment blocks me on git for some reason now. It didn’t do that yesterday:

Pressing the “Details” button and pressing “Login in” (even though I am already logged it so idk why it’s asking me this. Thankfully, it just refreshes the page and shows me the Vercel project page) makes everything work. I can then manually deploy from Vercel.

I think it’s because I am using the same Github account for two different Vercel accounts. I have a personal Vercel account with some email “” and another Vercel work account with some company email “”. And I remember I had to re-request access because Vercel deployments also didn’t work when I was working for the company. My Github account has both emails added to it.

What’s the solution for this? I can’t use the same Github account for multiple Vercel accounts?

I seems I have to request permission every day every time I want to push something for work or personal project.

Yes, a GitHub account can only be linked to one Vercel account at any time. The one-to-one relationship prevents login permission conflicts and account security issues.

There are a few options that can help with this. You could consolidate to one Vercel account, use a separate GitHub account, use a custom workflow to deploy instead of the GitHub integration for automatic deployments, or manually deploy with Vercel CLI.

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@amyegan , it seems this is an area where Vercel can improve. I am even using different browsers so there are two auth tokens saved in two different places: my personal web browser and the work web browser. It’s just that the Github account is the same.

Vercel can read any of these two token and will know it belongs to my Github account. Not need to ask me for permissions every single time. There is no conflict anywhere from my point of view.

All the solutions provided just complicate things.

I asked v0 to give a more detail explanation. You can find it, along with multiple citations, here: Vercel GitHub account limit – v0 by Vercel

Hope that helps!

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Thank you, @amyegan! :blush:

This answers my question. In short, Vercel has decided not to support authentication of one GitHub account across multiple Vercel accounts. While this simplifies things for Vercel, it complicates workflows for developers like me, who now need to create separate company GitHub accounts, manage SSH keys, git auth, emails, and usernames per project. Additionally, Git clients and IDEs require dual setups for personal and company GitHub accounts.

If Vercel chooses to address this, I am sure any potential security issues can be fully resolved with the right implementation.

Looking forward to hearing thoughts on this!

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