Deployed Next.js app to Vercel. At deployed URL, seems fine for me but other people get 404 Error?

Current versus Expected behavior

I have a portfolio website using Next.js and deployed it using Vercel. I go to the deployed URL and I see everything is fine on my PC and mobile phone. However, I am told by other people that when they visit the same deployed link they get a 404. Any one know anything about this?

Project information

Environment (local, preview, production): production
Project Framework: Next.js
Build Settings:
  Framework Preset: Next.js
Node/Runtime Version: 18.x
Package Manager: npm

Hey @brandonduong. Can you share a the URL here?

Sure, But on my resume I just give which I believe is still fine

If it helps, I checked the link on resume and it’s exactly the same as above! ( And I’ve had two completely unrelated people tell me it 404s for them :frowning: 1 person was from today and another was a couple months ago so still not really sure what’s wrong. Annoying because I can’t reproduce or test it myself.

It’s working for me as well. It could be a network or caching issue for them. Are they able to access it from a different device or network?

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