I am building a backend project in my monorepo, which is using some internal workspace packages and api handler at apps/backend/api/index.ts. I was expecting the vercel to magically build the app, but getting bundle resolution errors:
Cannot find module '/var/task/apps/backend/node_modules/@recalio/db/index.ts'
Did you forget to add it to "dependencies" in `package.json`?
Node.js process exited with exit status: 1. The logs above can help with debugging the issue.
Project url: https://backend-recalio.vercel.app/api
Framework: just api folder with api handler exported.
Project settings: this is my vercel json file:
"version": 2,
"builds": [
"src": "api/index.ts",
"use": "@vercel/node"
"routes": [
"src": "/api/(.*)",
"dest": "api/index.ts"
I am seeking guidance on how to resolve this issue or any similar experiences and solutions that others might have encountered in this community. Thank you for your assistance!