Hey all!
I was recently reading this article on Vercel guides about deploying Discord bots to Vercel. It didn’t have clear instructions or a method to do so, so I winged it and started work on my own solution.
Discord bots deployed to Vercel only work with application commands, not events, but at least it’s a lot better than just webhooks or nothing at all.
I created an open-source library that streamlines the development and deployment process, as well as a tutorial on how to use it. I would love feedback… does it work for you? How I can improve it?
This is a great article and project. Thank you for sharing with us! I’m sure that this will be helpful to those wanting to deploy their own Discord bots to Vercel.
You’re in the right place! We’ll see what we can do. What were you thinking?
As far as updating the Vercel guide page (not sure how that’s managed, is it a public repository?), I had a few things in mind:
Mention that Discord bots with applications commands can be deployed to Vercel, but make note of serverless limitations
Have an example or examples of how to do so. This could be starting from scratch or using a framework, like Discraft or other frameworks that might support Vercel deployment (but I don’t think there are any others yet)
I think the Vercel guide kinda paints it as not possible right now, but it is possible (with limitations) so an update might be good.
I also completely understand if you can’t mention third-party libraries in the Vercel guide; mentioning Discraft would be very nice (), but Vercel doesn’t own it, so I’m not sure if it could be mentioned anyway.