"dependsOn" tasks hit cache despite change

I’m deploying a TurboRepo project to Vercel, and I’m facing the following issue:
I have a package I’ll call @repo/gi-data, I have an app called gen-gi-data-types, that has a task named generate-files, which generates some .ts files for @repo/gi-data (I don’t/can’t build @repo/gi-data before this task). I then have a second app called gen-gi-data with a generate-files task which dependsOn @repo/gi-data#build and adds files to @repo/gi-data. I have another task gen-gi-helper-data#generate-files that dependsOn @repo/gi-data#build again, but when I do it, I’m facing issues. Here is my turbo.json

  "$schema": "https://turbo.build/schema.json",
  "ui": "tui",
  "tasks": {
    "build": { // the default build task
      "dependsOn": ["^build"],
      "inputs": ["$TURBO_DEFAULT$", ".env*"],
      "outputs": [".next/**", "!.next/cache/**", "dist/**"]
    "@repo/gi-data#build": { // generate types before first compile
      "dependsOn": ["gen-gi-data-types#generate-files"]
    "generate-files": {
      "dependsOn": ["^generate-files"]
    "gen-gi-data-types#generate-files": {
      "dependsOn": ["@repo/utils#build"], // can ignore
      "outputs": ["../../packages/gi-data/src/generated/excel-bin-output/**"]
    "gen-gi-data#generate-files": {
      "dependsOn": ["gen-gi-data-types#generate-files", "@repo/gi-data#build"], // generate types and wait for initial build before adding more files
      "outputs": ["../../packages/gi-data/src/generated/**", "!../../packages/gi-data/src/generated/excel-bin-output/**"]
    "gen-gi-helper-data#generate-files": {
      "dependsOn": ["gen-gi-data#generate-files", "@repo/gi-data#build"],
      "outputs": ["../../packages/gi-helper-data/src/builds.ts"]

I understand that dependsOn tasks are run in parallel which is why I made @repo/gi-data#build’s dependsOn the way it is, however even if ran parallel in gen-gi-helper-data#generate-files->dependsOn, since the contents of @repo/gi-data have changed shouldn’t it be missing cache and recompiling? But instead it doesn’t recompile and causes me an error.

I think it is because when @repo/gi-data#build is ran parallel with gen-gi-helper-data#generate-files since no files are generated, the cache is hit. I have no way of knowing for sure because I can’t find a proper way of doing this to test it against :sweat_smile: . So any workarounds or proper practices are appreciated. And since @repo/gi-data#build already dependsOn gen-gi-data-types#generate-files I can’t just add gen-gi-data#generate-files.