Create Next.js Progressive Web App


Hello! I am Cif. I’m a student, and I consider myself a novice developer. I am still finding my way. I am a huge fan of Next.js, and I consider it my primary Web Development go-to.

I had trouble trying to make a Progressive Web App (PWA) with Next.js so I made an npm package for it! Since the official installation for Next.js is npx create-next-app I decided adding -pwa at the end for it.

Basically, this is me trying to contribute to the community as small as I can since I’m still a novice.

You may check the official npm page for it: create-next-app-pwa. And the source code for the script is here:


The installation is easy. You just run the following to your terminal:

npx create-next-app-pwa [project-name] #notice the -pwa


Basically, I just used serwist for the service worker to make it a PWA. I just created a script so that it’s easier for everyone to create Next.js PWA immediately.

(I can already smell the criticisms miles away, but I do hope this helps and contributes at least just a little bit)

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Hi, @cifelse! Welcome to the Vercel Community :smile:

Thanks for sharing your project, it looks super helpful. I’ll be sure to cross-post it with community members when it makes sense!

Appreciate your contributon :pray:

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Thank you so much, @pawlean! (cool username btw!)

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Thanks! :smiley: It’s how you pronounce my name :laughing:

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