Consolidate server log entries into 1 entry per request

Currently each action of writing to standard output, such as using console.log, results in a separate log entry. (as per the documentation)

Before October 1 2024, logs would been consolidated into 1 single log entry, with all the log messages concatenated into 1 message. For my use case, this was a much easier way to read the log.

Could this be something that could be configured perhaps? There’s also now additional storage load, since each log message for a request now contains duplicate information across the same request.

Thanks for sharing this, @andpoulsenlunar! I’ve shared with the team internally and will loop back with any comments. :pray:

Hi @andpoulsenlunar – we just rolled out an update to Logs this week, which groups all log lines from a request. It also works across execution environments like when using middleware + function in a single request.

Hope this helps – thanks again for sharing.


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