Console.log not appearing in Production

Hi, I have a number of console.logs in a POST request to api/assistant. While this works in development, the POST doesn’t work as it should in production. I have tried to add some console.logs to the POST function, however they don’t seem to appear in the runtime logs. I have noticed that it seems to be an issue for others: Console.log's not working in Production on Vercel · vercel/next.js · Discussion #21000 · GitHub. Could someone point me in the direction so that I can view the console.log in Production. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Hey @abarry-dmstrategic. I’ve seen this happen before if an error is thrown before the console.log() is reached. I wasn’t able to repro this issue with my test apps in any other scenario I could think of.

Do you have a minimal reproducible example that I can use to investigate?