Hello, Vercel support teams,
I am using Octokit
to build my portfolio to show my repos from Github
, and today I accessed the website that deployed on Vercel
and I got the error info as the following:
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find package 'lru-cache' imported from /var/task/node_modules/@octokit/auth-app/dist-node/index.js
Here is my repo’s link, I wrote all of the codes that depends on Octokit
in the Server -> api -> repo
Here is the reproduction
Here is the issue that I opened in Octokit
and a maintainer sir said it seems look like a Vercel BUG
The error is shown in the Vercel log
and it works properly locally, I have no idea about it, I tried to redeploy on Vercel
but it doesn’t work.
My Octokit version is 4.0.2. It works properly with this version in local.
Deployment URL or Custom Domain: https://nano-portfolio-ruby.vercel.app/index
Environment (local, preview, production): https://nano-portfolio-ruby.vercel.app/index
Project Framework: Nuxt3
Build Settings:
Framework Preset: default
Build Command (if not default):
Output Directory (if not default):
Install Command (if not default):
Node/Runtime Version: NodeJS 20.X LTS
Package Manager: PNPM
Relevant Packages: `Octokit` `Nuxt` `Vercel`
I would very much appreciate any help!! Thank you so much!!