Blob copy url not working

I want to access the blob urls but the button is not clickable

Hi, @thesuryapolina-gmail!

I can replicate, however, I can copy the URL of an item inside the blob folder. Can you do the same?

CleanShot 2024-10-28 at 12.45.51

I’m unsure if this is normal behaviour, but let me ask the team internally and get back to you :smile:

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The storage team let me know the “Copy URL” option is disabled for folders in Blob because they don’t really exist. The UI shows the path segments separated by / as folders to group things visually. But opening the URL of a folder wouldn’t show anything useful.


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Hey, @thesuryapolina-gmail!

I wanted to share this upcoming change from the storage team - might be relevant / helpful for you. Would also welcome some feedback :smiley: