AI Chatbot with Vercel AI SDK, Groq, and Svelte - code included

Hey Vercel community! :wave:

We’ve been tinkering with an AI chatbot that combines Vercel AI SDK, Groq, and Svelte. Our experiment showcases how to rapidly build and deploy a smart chatbot while keeping development smooth with Daytona.

We’ve created a guide covering the whole process from setup to deployment:

GitHub Repo has a devcontainer in it so you can quickly spin dev env with VS Code, Codespaces or Daytona and just run the app:

We’d love your thoughts! How are you integrating AI into your Vercel projects?


Welcome to the Vercel Community, @nkkko! :smile:

Thanks so much for sharing in our community. Your guide will be super helpful to those wanting to build out an AI chatbot from scratch!

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Hey, thanks, we should soon have one more on turning v0 prototypes into full apps.

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Oh, nice one! You’ll have to share that with us once it’s ready. :smile:

We can always showcase more community projects related to v0!

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