404 Error for APi after deployment

I’m getting 404 error for an API after deployment. vercel dev works in local … The routes are not accessible…I used express,javascript

Website Link – https://simple-weather-app-taupe.vercel.app/

GitHub Link – GitHub - RamchandraReddy07/SimpleWeatherApp: Simple Weather App An app which display the weather details of the city

When I hit this API I’m getting this error – https://simple-weather-app-taupe.vercel.app/api/getWeather?city=chicago

Hey @ramchandrareddy07. I wrote a 404 debugging guide that can help with situations like this. Please give these solutions a try and let me know if they work for you.

There’s also a guide specifically for deploying an Express app with Vercel. It includes some info about what adjustments are needed to get Express.js working in a serverless environment.

I hope that helps!

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